Thursday, September 23, 2010

Twettie Tiff


This is Tiffani here with you on this blogging page. I am 12 years old and attend school in the District of Columbia. I enjoy excessive amounts of activities such as Track, Volleyball, Step/Dance (at Dance Place), Basketball and much more.I am captain of both the volleyball and track team and hoping to become the captain of the basketball team. As you have read I'm very athletic but you haven't herd about my academics yet. Maintaining an grade point average of 3.6 or higher yes I still have the time to do my homework after every day of coming from practice. A person who inspires me to keep going is my father because he compliments me on everything that i do but he doesn't criticise, he only makes suggestions to help me with anything needed. Like for instincts this summer I was in the Junior Olympics for Track and Field and made it to the regionals, which was a great experience. Later in life I hope to be a track star and to be in the Diamond League. Well I hope you enjoyed this and will talk to you soon.

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