Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Extraordinary Experience of Model UN

Last week our 8th period class attended a Model UN conference at the State Department, to discuss international issues around the world. Before we actually went to the conference we had to complete research and a position paper of our country, their background, and their relation of the topic we chose. Every one chose a different country to represent and a different organization, which was the topic. When we finally got to the State Department on a rainy and cold day, we had to go through a security search and go to the auditorium  for orientation on what we were going to do.

All of the groups later split up by middle school, high school and cause. As we went on with the discussions I learned the different motions of a conference, such as motion of a moderate or an un-moderate cocus. I liked that every was able to speak on the floor and that they brought subway for lunch. I still wonder about what the adults do about the international problems after they've herd our testimony. I was so enthusiastic about the conference being so long. I thought this was a great experience and left on a good note.

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